Prison Initiatives-Uganda
“We who live in prison, and in whose lives there is no event but sorrow, have to measure time by throbs of pain, and the record of bitter moments.”
~Oscar Wilde
Humanity Healing Foundation is a legal non profit Nondenominational in its premises and concepts; committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism
WE are an international, nonsectarian, entity that embraces people from different backgrounds and all walks of life.
We recognize the necessity of maintaining the integrity and dignity of Human life in every stage of its existences, from the beginning until the end, including during trying situations.
WE are an international, nonsectarian, entity that embraces people from different backgrounds and all walks of life.
We recognize the necessity of maintaining the integrity and dignity of Human life in every stage of its existences, from the beginning until the end, including during trying situations.
Humanity Healing Foundation is in Affiliation with International Humanities Center, a Non-profit Public charity exempt from federal income tax under section 501[c](3) of Internal Revenue Code.
There are many people and regions in crisis around the world. The principles of Altruism and the Brotherhood of Man have declined in importance as individuals, nations and religions focus on the differences between each other instead of the similarities within our Shared Humanity.
We believe that with Compassion, Education and the Gift of Service through Spiritual Activism, this can be greatly changed.
We believe that we are all connected and that by helping another, we help ourselves. Each individual can make a Commitment to reach out. Each individual can make a Commitment to work towards the Common Good. As individuals, our personal contributions may be small, but when United in Common Cause, we can Change the World.
We understand when we refer to Prisons around the world, that not always the Legal system provides the fully treatment that is expected to be a valuable and efficient tool of the “Justice System”.
Humanity Healing Prison Initiatives are an attempt to contribute and expand the human side of every individual experience, re-aggregating the basic elements of human rights and human needs in every situational contest in One’s life, therefore being a causative instrument of a carving of a new Integral transformative Justice perspective.
The prison system in its conception was originated in order to be the correctional scheme for individuals that in some ways fail in the eyes of society. Nevertheless we also understand that to be send to a correctional facility is a result of a debt of society as a punishment, no one is send there to be punished beyond their current sentences.
• No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
All Humanity Healing Prison initiatives are solely result of the studies and actions developed by our House of Reconciliation.
All Humanity Healing Prison initiatives are solely result of the studies and actions developed by our House of Reconciliation.
This House focuses on Forgiveness and Tolerance issues. We believe that these two concepts are at the root of Healing on both a personal and global level. We support initiatives that foster better understanding and resolution of conflicts between both individuals and communities. We would like to differentiate between reparations, rehabilitation and reconciliation. Reparations are about repaying a debt to an individual or society because of a wrong done. Rehabilitation is about reinserting the wrong-doer back into society.
Reconciliation is the act of bringing the different parts of a conflict together and healing from the wrong that has been done. To reach Reconciliation, one must start by recognizing the common ground between the parties and working outward; instead of starting with the differences and working inward. It is from this mindset that Forgiveness and Tolerance are born.
HHF Reconciliation Projects
Books Behind Bars
Support for Prison Chaplains and Libraries
Networking and Community Building
Prayer and Healing Ministries
The Mentorship Project
HHF Books Behind Bars Program (BBBP Program) Humanity Healing Foundation is actively working on the development of a solid network of people concerned with the rehabilitation and educational facets of those enduring imprisonment conditions. We advocate the importance of rehabilitation and the educational elements as a vital factor for re-insertement of Individuals back into their societies.
Support for Spiritual and Non denominational Prison ministers and Chaplains.
Humanity Healing as a non denominational, non partisan and non political organization believes on the Integrity of human beings, We do not see any individual through the common stereotypes and labels giving by society, but we see each and every human being as a soul perceiving a learning Journey. Humanity Healing is offering a practical e-book and DVD on the basic principals that guide and interconnect the various souls, as we are all partners of the same journey through life.
Networking and Community Building- Advocacy and Service
We have organized an international network of like minded people, other organizations, and volunteers from diverse segment of society that are all highly committed to bring an element of change and introduce the possibility of be of assistance, support and allow the personal development and rehabilitation of those that are facing their debts to society. In order to assure that this will be done according to the main principals of the UN declaration of Human Rights, we emphasize the importance of being a conscientious observer on civil rights and other humanitarian social issues. Raising awareness of current and emerging problems is the first step towards resolving them.
Conflict resolution and human rights advocacy are primordial part of the success of the justice system; and is also vital elements end the violent nature of prison life. From ending capital punishment to stopping discrimination in all its forms, this work purposed by Humanity Healing through its house of Reconciliation promotes peace between inmate groups, with prison administrations, justice officials, and the many organizations associated with the system. Only when this stage is reached we can account for successful stories of reintegration of individuals on the fabric of society.
Prayer and Healing Ministries.
The Humanity Foundation is a Healing Project with no denomination. We embrace individuals from every Religious and Spiritual background. This initiative of prayer and healing prison ministries is dedicated to all those who seek to enrich themselves or find themselves called to offer comfort and healing to others through the exercise of their faith. The healing power of prayer is incredible. The Humanity Healing Foundation includes Ambassadors and Volunteers who come together as Prayer Partners. These Prayer Partners send prayers for Individuals in need of healing or comfort. Individuals, families and communities in need may add their name to the various Prayer Lists.
The Mentorship program
The Contact with the outside world is one of the major elements that directly contribute with the achievement of a level of success during a period of rehabilitation process. We have found based on our experiences that many inmates (prisoners) do yearn for building , not only a network of understandable people to communicate with , but primarily they desire to learn new skills, new ways of thoughts, and many times they aspire for a new way to plan their lives. More then a pen pal program, Humanity Healing Foundation is investing the next months in the recruiting and training of volunteers that are willing to share specific skills that will help rebuild hope and give so many the opportunities to turn their lives around.
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