Humanity Healing International Response to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

11:17 PM Posted by Humanity Healing International

On 1 June, we sent out the following tweet to our network:  Not in My Jewish Name- Israel attack on #flotilla,call Congress 202-224-3121. tell rep to condemn attack &cut $ to Israel

In response, IsraelMFA, the official twitter of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sent us the following message:  @humanityhealing more than four naval personnel were injured, some from gunfire and some from various other weapons

Try as I can, I cannot convey my thoughts on this into a 140 character Twitter response to the IMFA, so I will post it here.

While our mission is to foster the Healing of communities with little or no Hope, Humanity Healing International had no direct participation with the Gaza Aid Flotilla other than sharing prayers for the safety of the mission and for the welfare of the people of Gaza.

As an international humanitarian organization, we support the peaceful resolution of conflict and condemn the violence and the loss of civilian life which occurred when the Israeli navy intercepted the civilian ships of the Gaza Aid Flotilla in international waters.

Humanity Healing International extends its sincere condolences and offers prayers of Healing to the families and relatives of those killed and wounded on both sides of this conflict.  We also send our prayers for the Aid workers being held and express our concern that they be treated in a manner consistent with international human rights standards.

This single wanton act of violence instigated by the Israel government and illegal under international law; has the potential to ignite a world-wide collective condemnation and action against the inhumane 3-year siege of the people of Gaza.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
~Albert Einstein

The world united against apartheid.  We should unite against the systematic creation of a Palestinian ghetto behind a wall and the methodical oppression of the men, women and children of Gaza. 

We are One Humanity and are each deserving of human rights and human dignity.  When you consider that the people of the region, Muslims, Jews and Christians, all worship the same God; there must be a Path to Peace that all can walk together.

"Governments make treaties, but Individuals make Peace."

We call upon all people of the world to bring their governments to account to demand and create the necessary frameworks that will allow the people on both sides of the Gaza wall to live in dignity and establish Peace.

Christopher B. Buck
Humanity Healing International

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